Help Us Grow
The New Holland Farmers Day Association is taking steps to grow into an agricultural awareness hub educating and serving our entire community.
- Purchase Elevator (Thank you!)
- Install Elevator with Necessary Renovations (Donate to the Building Fund)
- Further Enhance the Farmers Day Building
Strengthening Community with Hands-on Activities

Agricultural Awareness
Agricultural Education
Agricultural Fun & Adventures
Phase 1: Purchase Elevator
Thank you for helping us reach our $125,000 elevator fund goal!
Division 1 Parade Sponsors
Thank you for the sponsorship! Combined, these local businesses sponsored $39,800 of our $125,000 elevator purchase total.
- Bank of Bird-in-Hand
- CNH Industrial North America
- Conestoga Post 662 American Legion
- Country Lane Woodworking
- Country View Fencing
- Franklin Street Garage
- Freedom Flooring
- Gerald G. Martin
- JB Zimmerman
- King Concrete Pumping, LLC
- LH Construciton
- Lichty Bros., Inc.
- M H Eby, Inc.
- New Holland Radio Shack
- PA Auction Center
- Scenic Ridge
- Smoker Doors
- Tyson Foods New Holland Complex
- CNH Industrial North America
- Conestoga Post 662 American Legion
- Country Lane Woodworking
- Country View Fencing
- Gerald G. Martin
- Goods Insurance Agency
- King Concrete Pumping, LLC
- Lancaster Prefinishing
- LH Construciton
- M H Eby, Inc.
- Martins Flooring, Inc.
- PA Auction Center
- Power Pro Equipment
- Prestige Painting
- Smoker Doors
- Stoltzfus Welding & Rentals, LLC
- Tyson Foods New Holland Complex
- Charles M. Trucking
- CNH Industrial North America
- Conestoga Post 662 American Legion
- Country View Fencing
- Fisher Paints
- Gerald G. Martin
- King Concrete Pumping, LLC
- Lancaster Prefinishing
- Lapp Structures
- LH Construciton
- M H Eby, Inc.
- PA Auction Center
- Power Pro Equipment
- Prestige Painting
- Smoker Doors
- Stoltzfus Welding & Rentals, LLC
- Tyson Foods New Holland Complex

Phase 2: Help us install the elevator and make necessary renovations!
The next step to realizing our vision is install the elevator and make necessary renovations. To make your contribution, send a check with “Building Fund” in the memo made payable to the New Holland Farmers Day Association to:
Attn: Building Fund
New Holland Farmers Day Association
PO Box 65
New Holland, PA 17557.
Thank you for your investment in our community’s future.
Installation & Renovations
¹ From the elevator fundraiser.
Phase 3: Further Enhance the Farmers Day Building
The Farmers Day Association envisions a vibrant space for year-round education, exploration, and enrichment in the center of New Holland.