Produce, photos, baked goods, flowers, quilts and clothing are among the many items exhibited during the fair. Be sure to review the premium book for a full listing of eligible entries and plan to enter something yourself. Youth and adult divisions are available in a wide range of categories. Check out the bake sale on Wednesday for a chance to buy and taste some of the entries!
Canned or Dried Products, Butters, Jams & Jellies, Fruits, Edible Nuts, Vegetables, Honey, Wine, Models, Recycled Crafts, Baked Goods, Needlecraft, Art and Photography are located on the lower floor of the New Holland Farmers Fair Building at Franklin Street and Roberts Avenue. This is also where you’ll find souvenir T-shirts and raffle tickets for the annual quilt on sale.
Hay, Tobacco, Grain & Seed Crops, and Group Exhibits are in the Livestock Tents (New Holland Sales Stables) on Fulton Street.
Floral Exhibits are in the CrossNet Ministries on West Franklin Street (across from the New Holland Farmers Fair Building).