The annual Pet Parade is a fun opportunity to showcase your pet and compete for prizes (and treats). Bring your pet and join the parade!
The 2024 Prizes
- Best of Show, $25
- First Prize, $10
- Second Prize, $6
- Third Prize, $4
Entry Classes
Each pet can only enter one category. If your pet is not people- or other-pet-friendly, please do not enter them for safety purposes. Thank you.
- Most Creative Float (covers all pets on wheels)
- One pet.
- Multiple pets.
- Most Unusual Pet “WOW… What is that?”
- Owner-Pet Look Alike (au natural, no costume)
- Owner-Pet Team Theme (Owners and pets must be costumed.)
- Most Beautiful Cat (“What a stunner!”)
- Most Handsome Dog
- Best Dressed Pet (Walking)
- That Pet Has Talent (Check out what this pet can do!)
Parade Route
Parade forms at St. Stephens Church parking lot, 249 East Main Street, goes west on Main Street, then south on Roberts, and east on Franklin.
All registrants must be at St. Stephen’s Church by the deadline for judging. There is no rain date for the parade. Registration is suggested but walk-ins are welcome.
Thank you to our sponsors.

Information Packet and Forms
Vet Form
Here are the most recently posted pet parade results.